Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Power of Personal Readings.

The Equinox is a powerful time of transition. Summer gives way to fall. The leaves turn, the harvest is upon us and you can feel the shift toward winter. But not here, not today. It's still hot. Where I live it feels very un-fall-like outside. We have been having 80 plus degree weather! This however has not stopped me from feeling the pull inward. I'm restless and I feel there are changes that I need to make. I am clear on what I want and where I want to go. The problem for me is that I am like the weather right now. I am lagging. I am holding back when it would have felt far better to have given way.

It happens to us all. We work at the spiritual life and we work on physical life melding the two together as best we can do. We kinda get caught up in the doing and it feels like we kinda have no choice in it. But then it catches up with us that something is off, we realize we are a bit stuck. Thank goodness we have tools like oracles to assist us.

To read read for oneself is in my opinion an imperative practice. I do enjoy getting readings from trusted readers when my attachment to the outcome is too strong for my own good.  But I also know I can pull my own cards when matters arise that I just need to see for myself what I am not seeing. I often consult the tarot or oracle cards for insight. I am not one of those psychics who think you can't read for yourself. Most times you can. To me that is like saying you can't use a journal only a therapist can help you. Or you can't cook your own food only a restaurant can help you. Most times you should be doing your own journal entries and cooking for yourself. The same is true for readings. There are times to consult others but you need to have your own system for divination. I mean come on! It is ridiculous to think you can't read for yourself ever. Just how I see it.

Today I grabbed some oracle cards and I performed a spread that I often reserve for when I need more insight than usual. Here is what I do know. I have been haunted by some unfinished business of late. I have been carrying it around for a long while and I wish to move on. I feel the pull to heal and to let go but I feel that there is something I am not quite getting.

The spread was powerful in that it was illuminating. I am going to share the gist of it with you. It is a 6 card spread. I've identified the spread for you here along with what my cards indicated for me.

First card: The situation and heart of the matter. It is confirmed that there is something I need to let go of - perhaps more than one thing. I am aware that it is time to change and the transition is happening but not smoothly.

Second card: The hidden truth -what I can't see. I have lost my sense of fun and play. Everything is too heavy. Too many people trying to manipulate me. A need for protection. Too many tears and not enough laughter. Time for more authentic playful action.

Third card: The big block - the obstacle at hand. You need to think differently, bigger. False beliefs about your future and what you would like to achieve. Holding onto beliefs that aren't even yours.

Fourth card: The fear - what has you so scared you can't see it. Seeing the pain of a past loss of someone important to you. Remembering a loved one.

Fifth card: What will fix the problem. Shine the light of truth upon that which hurts you. Look deeper into the pain. See it so you can release it.

6th card: Outcome should you head the advice of the cards. Wisdom of action and excellent strategy. You will regain control over an important matter.

This is just a glimpse of the cards and the overall reading but it was very powerful. I am seeing clearly and now I know what I have to do. For the next 6 weeks I shall work with all my heart to find a way to release that which is of burden to me. Too many obligations that lead me to nowhere. I am tired of always feeling drained from things which I don't enjoy. I am not having enough fun and that is not okay with me anymore. I'm done with people who no longer are in alignment with my energy. It is time to begin releasing them and honoring them for what they have brought but realizing they just don't add joy to my life at this time or they just aren't a good fit for what is coming next. I don't have to understand it fully to be able to release it.

So many things that aren't giving me anything I want or need back can now be released.  I realize it is time for cleaning house. When I am done I know that I will be able to open my arms to love again. It is okay to let go of pain from the past. It is okay to let go of stuff, of people and of situations that feel like they take more than they give or just don't give to me as I need them too anymore. I am opening my eyes to seeing my actual talents and respecting them. I no longer can afford to care if I am upsetting others by doing things my own way.

I wanted to share this because when I saw what was happening for myself I felt that wonderful click in my neck. The one where the tension lifts and you see the way out of the lagging energy dilemma . Sure there will be some challenges but once I am done I should have gained a lot of wisdom and my strategy for getting what I actually want should be much more sound. I finally feel a deep long inhale followed by an even longer exhale.

This is the power of personal mobilize you. Blessed Be.

P.S. - should you need a private reading with me - check out the options by following this link to my  website