Sunday, October 1, 2017

Letting Go Like Fall

AH! Finally, the temps here have dropped. I feel an absolute relief. It has also kicked me into high gear. October has always been a blessed and special time of year for me. I often make big decisions at this time of year. And I tend to move. Do you have times of the year when this is true for you?

So today finds me in this whole letting go thing. Letting go like fall. Fall lets go in faith. It knows winter is coming but it also knows that the time of rest will benefit and then the time of growth and renewal will come. I am learning to let go like fall more than ever can I remember.

Perhaps it is age or experience that make one deepen in the awareness of the inner shifts. Maybe it is sitting on the edge of the Aquarian Age as it is birthed into being. Perhaps it is a combination of this and many more things coming together at one time. Whatever the reason, this is where I find myself.

I am currently taking a break from cleaning and organizing after the purge in my kitchen. I still have a tiny bit to do in there tonight before it is done. I am a big believer in scrubbing floors to shift energy. There is a wonderful formula called Florida Water that you can either make or buy and after you have washed your floors you can use that to mop them again and it will help you with all manners of energy and luck. Also you can make an infusion of basil, spearmint and chamomile and wash your floors in that to bring you some extra money and financial blessings. This is the time of year when unexpected expenses can pop up so I always try to stay on the blessed side of things.

I have a bunch of stuff to take to my car for a charity drop off. I am using the Kon Mari Method to reduce my clutter. I don't have tons of clutter but you can easily accumulate. I started reducing a while back and it after years of living with less I have to say when I get too much stuff I start to feel really stagnated. Sometimes I get a little too zealous in letting go and toss something I later could use. Unless I am much mistaken I only have let go of one item that it turns out I actually regret - so that is super good! I actually almost held onto it but then I unwisely ignored my intuition and let them go. Oh well. It's not a huge expense to replace the item I released. So for less than $10 I was reminded to always listen to your inner voice.

That is a big lesson for me this year. The inner voice. Now as a psychic medium you would think I would always listen to this voice. Well, I usually do unless I am attached to the outcome. So I have spent time cleaning and reflecting and making space and it turns out that I have come face to face with some bad habits on the physical (like not filing) and some bad habits energetically (old items that I have no use for in my current life's cycle). This makes me wonder, just how much fear are we really holding in our energy. Unfulfilled desires hold a lot of energy. We don't fulfill our desires because we hold on to a limiting belief that is usually born in fear.

Don't be surprised if you like me find yourself coming face to face with your limits. I really just felt that I needed to organize my kitchen a bit. It is so much more functional now. And since the kitchen is one area that represents how we nourish ourselves, give ourselves energy and even how we prepare and make sure we have enough for the coming week and or season. I kept thinking about how do I want to feed myself?  I think this declutter and deep clean will definitely support me.

So I am only going to be doing things that support me, that give me proper energy and that feel really good. Sounds kinda selfish but I feel like it is exactly what I need right now. Here are a few questions to get you thinking:

  1. Do I eat too much of anything that makes me feel bad or I essentially know is not a good options for me? Do I eat too much sugar, salt, fat, carbs, meat? Do I drink too much? 
  2. Do I not eat enough or do I not eat enough quality foods? Do I skip veggies? How much water do I drink?
  3. Do I make time to prepare for the coming day and week? Do I grab things last minute in a drive through? How often am I doing this? 
  4. Do I give myself the activity I need to make sure I feel well? Do I exercise enough? Am I stuck in a rut and do the same thing over and over? Do I feel challenged and alive in my body?
  5. Do I run around too much and never make time to enjoy my home? Do I enjoy my home too much and laze about on my bum?
  6. Is my mind fed? Do I have stimulating conversations? Do I read? What am I learning that is new?
  7. Do the people in my life respect me? Do I feel drained when I am around them? Do I tolerate behaviors that I shouldn't?
Questions are like fresh air. When you declutter you can often answer questions really clearly. Take advantage of it if you find that you just have to get things in order like I am doing this week.